Your Search: 1989 >Ford > F Super Duty > Axle > Rear Drive Shaft > 03364 133" Wb, At, 4X2, E4od Transmission, 8 460 (7.5L)

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Hollander Parts connects with leading auto recyclers selling 1989 Ford F Super Duty Axle Rear Drive Shaft 03364 133" Wb, At, 4X2, E4od Transmission, 8 460 (7.5L).

The average price of a used 1989 Ford F Super Duty Axle Rear Drive Shaft 03364 133" Wb, At, 4X2, E4od Transmission, 8 460 (7.5L) with 52,000 miles begin around $85.


*All parts shown will fit the searched vehicle, even if they are different years, makes, and/or models.
 used-auto-parts 1991 ford f-super-duty axle 431-rear-drive-shaft 431-03364-133"-wb,-at,-4x2,-e4od-transmission,-8-460-(7.5l) part-31691-13-1
In-Store Pickup Available!
Part Grade Unknown
Mileage 147,000
2 & 92 Truck Parts
East Moline, IL
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Excellent Condition (Grade A)
Mileage 52,000
A B C Used Parts
Colorado Springs, CO
 used-auto-parts 1990 ford f-super-duty axle 431-rear-drive-shaft 431-03364-133"-wb,-at,-4x2,-e4od-transmission,-8-460-(7.5l) part-143825-2787-1
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Excellent Condition (Grade A)
Mileage 153,000
Maas Enterprises
Mendon, IL
 used-auto-parts 1989 ford f-super-duty axle 431-rear-drive-shaft 431-03364-133"-wb,-at,-4x2,-e4od-transmission,-8-460-(7.5l) part-440615-5901-1
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Part Grade Unknown
Mileage 0
Phelps Auto Wreckers
San Leandro, CA
 used-auto-parts 1990 ford f-super-duty axle 431-rear-drive-shaft 431-03364-133"-wb,-at,-4x2,-e4od-transmission,-8-460-(7.5l) part-375639-5901-1
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Part Grade Unknown
Mileage 0
Phelps Auto Wreckers
San Leandro, CA
 used-auto-parts 1990 ford f-super-duty axle 431-rear-drive-shaft 431-03364-133"-wb,-at,-4x2,-e4od-transmission,-8-460-(7.5l) part-281212-464-1
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Part Grade Unknown
Mileage 0
Barely Used Auto Parts
Shediac Cape, NB
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